
Thursday, January 21, 2016

What Occurs During Class Movies

Okay, here's the thing: students get excited over very few things.

Fortunately, watching a movie in class happens to be one of them.

On the last day of quarter two, my English class finished the movie Julie & Julia. Throughout the movie, Mr. Parker permitted us to work on our blogs, and I began to do so. However, about ten minutes in, I realized that the movie, and some kids in the class, were saying some pretty outrageous things.

So, of course, I began to write them down.

This may not be the correct blog format, but I thought this was pretty funny at the time. The words in quotation marks were said by my classmates, and the words that are not in quotations came directly from sentences in the movie.

  • "she's literally always drunk"
  • beef flavored jello mold
  • calves foot
  • flip it on to a plate
  • the bitch lied
  • you could LIEEEEEEEEEEE
  • yuck! the sink! look at this
  • i hate it here
  • "oooh damn"
  • gooey mess
  • i'm a mess
  • *lies on kitchen floor sobbing*
  • "Julia's so high"
  • "what a film"
  • milky
  • ask if the vinegar works on the milk solids
  • tanginess
  • thats who i married
  • "the tellings have told that the tables have tabled"
  • i am not enthusiastic about this marriage
  • "dont kick me courtney"
  • "I'm sorry I'm stress eating"
  • wheres my big spring
  • dear avis
  • dorothy is pregnant...oooh
  • about the mayonnaise? oh not at all
  • s-ahh-ltine
  • skeeeeewww the livahh
  • I've cut the dickens out of my finger
  • just for once could you not look on the bright side?
  • "he is totally an asshole"
  • say cheese ducky...she likes to get it on
  • thats exactly what we are – mad cows
  • *merryl streep laughing in a british accent*
  • wizz?
  • "aw there goes the raspberry creme... all over the sidewalk"
  • "all the men in this movie are assholes"
  • a republican would fire you
  • im not a shmuck
  • the middle aged woman in the plaid jacket
  • eggs eggs seven seven volumes
  • *montage of all of them taking pills and groaning*
  • "you bet ur furry neck i do??!?!?"
  • 65. 65? 65. "65?!" "65."
  • *making out* I have to make a pear tart
  • "both of you don't have feelings i just don't understand why you're holding hands"
  • Elise: *breathes heavily* Aiden: *from across the room* "could you stop that, elise?"
  • "crass grasss apple sass"
  • *sitting on living room floor with dead duck in front of her and knife in hand* nothing is impossible
In a scene in the end of the movie, Julie strikes a touristy pose by Julia Child's photo. (Courtesy of Ace Showbiz)
I hoped you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed writing this down and amusing myself throughout class. You never know what you might hear if you just sit back and open up your ears to the noise around you. 

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em


  1. Oh man, I wish I hadn't missed this day of class! I could not stop laughing while reading this post. I can almost tell who said what. Eventually I hope to write a blog post in a format list like this, it's very interesting. Nice job, keep it up!
