
Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'm Suffering (LOL)

Okay, here's the thing: it's the last week of the semester. 

Let's be honest for a moment. What more do you expect from any student. Anywhere.

There are what seem to be an infinite amount of final tests occurring over the next five days, and there are plenty of people attempting to bring their grades up to an acceptable letter.

As I have explained before in my stress rant from this past October, my schedule puts me in quite a situation. With final testing sneaking up, my white days are looking worse and worse.

First period, for me, is spent at home on these days (let's give a round of applause for late entry). Second period is Math. My teacher decided to do a cumulative final, which incorporates everything we've learned this whole semester. Third period is Geography. Luckily this isn't a cumulative test, though Mr. Jeffrey thought about that as a possibility. Instead, it is just a combination of the chapters we read in quarter two. Finally, fourth period is English. Mr. Parker recently gave us a timed (torture) essay, but the quarter final is still yet to be completed.

My red days are a breeze, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. So, for only two days this coming week, I have nothing to worry about.

The end of the semester is a week away, and even though I'm not failing any of my classes at the moment, I'm on the brink of getting a letter grade lower in some classes. Therefore, I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders to do well in all of my finals this week so that I have a chance at keeping my GPA up.

This probably seems unnecessary to people with their life in check, but for me, this whole "end of the quarter" thing is screwing with me a bit.

I'm hoping I won't look like this this week.
(Courtesy of Med Scoop Daily)
I totally twisted my sleep schedule around over holiday break, so that was very difficult this week getting back in order. Unfortunately, I did the same thing again this weekend (this was a poor decision for me and everyone involved). I'm just hoping that I won't end up falling asleep studying or totally blanking out during one of my finals this week.

I'm suffering a bit right now, if I'm being quite honest. All of my hardest classes have finals and I have pressure to do well. I'm also kind of sleep deprived half of the time at school because my brain doesn't really wake up until like 1:00 p.m.

So, let's hear it for those of us who feel like zombies throughout this next week but are also struggling with crippling anxiety and stress! We can do this! Five more days until we get that four day weekend! Five more days until we have another opportunity to screw ourselves over again by going to sleep at four in the morning! Five more days until we don't go through with our New Years Resolution of getting more sleep... again!


Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

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