
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Letter for Another Emma

Okay, here's the thing: this post is most likely not directed at you.

Unless you just happen to be Emma Watson. If you aren't Emma, welcome to my blog, feel free to have a read. If you are Emma, welcome to my blog, this post if written for you.

Dear Emma Watson,

I admire you for many reasons besides the fact that we have the same name. I just thought I should get that out of the way first.

I have known of your existence since I was little and watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the very first time. I was genuinely terrified of the movie because I watched it when I was five years old, creepy things scared me, and there was much of that in the film, but I enjoyed watching Hermione flaunt across the screen. The young eleven year old may have seemed uptight and annoying to most, but I remember seeing her and loving how determined she was to reach her goals. I also appreciated her/your hair. Your performance in The Perks of Being a Wallflower has not gone unnoticed either. That movie is one of my favorites by far.

Though both of my parents were actors at some point in their lives and you are one of my favorite actresses, you aren't my ideal reader because of your acting career. You have done more than act to earn my respect for you, Emma. Not only was Hermione as a character very dedicated and studious, but you as a real-life human being made a decision that not many people in the child-acting industry decide to do. Once the Harry Potter movies were over, you decided to finish your schooling at Brown University. That will always be something that I admire about you. The fact that you decided to finish your education amidst your fame shows that you are truly someone to look up to.

I also listened to your speech at the United Nations in 2014 about the campaign you launched called HeforShe. Gender equality and women empowerment is something that I feel very strongly about. I believe that launching this campaign is something that was extremely important for the world to hear. As a feminist, I look up to you and everything you have done to shine light on the problems with gender equality. I admire that you've done so much for this campaign and all you did to help launch it. Speaking in front of the UN must have been nerve racking, but looking at the footage of the speech, you look just as badass as you normally do.

I think that you will always be someone I look up to in my life. You have already left such an important mark on my life and I'm sure you will continue to do so over the years.

Pictured: Emma Watson being too cool for me. (Courtesy of The Wrap)
If you actually did happen to read this post, which would be incredible, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for inspiring to try my best at such a young age, as well as introducing me into the magic of film (see what I did there). Thank you for launching such an important campaign for such an important issue. Thank you for speaking freely about your thoughts on feminism. Thank you for being cast as two important characters that played a huge part in my childhood.

And most importantly, thank you for reading.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

1 comment:

  1. I love this post – your title especially! Emma Watson is one of my favs! Go read my post about someone I admire here:
