
Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Years Resolutions Are a Joke But Who Cares

Okay, here's the thing: I have mixed opinions on New Years.

For one, I believe that New Years is great because of the theoretical idea of a "fresh start." It gives everyone a false sense of hope that, on this certain date, they will be able to begin anew.

Then, on the flip side, I know that New Years Day is just another day that we will continue to cross throughout our lives. People use it as an excuse to brush off that they still haven't met their resolutions that they created a year ago, only to make the same resolutions "for real" this time around.

I understand this is a creative idea, but in reality, nearly everyone doesn't accomplish the resolutions they set at the beginning of the year, yet everyone makes them anyway.

The resolutions that I've come up with in my head have had many different sources of inspiration. I've seen a couple of my friends set them as their resolutions, as well as accomplish them effectively. I also know that I've set some of these resolutions in the past and not completed them.

It seems cliché, but I think that I am really going to achieve them in this new year.

A couple of my main resolutions that I've set this year are to procrastinate less, spend less time on social media, and take more time to relax. So far, on the third day of the new year, I've nearly given up on these already. I've been more stressed because of the start of school after the break, as well as the homework that I've set back up until today. I've also procrastinated doing any of that homework by distracting myself on social media.

I guess those were a little more difficult than other resolutions, but I'm only three days in to 2016, so I still have a while to get myself back on track.

This is a polaroid showing my friends and I on New Years Eve.
My other basic resolutions include getting out of my comfort zone more often, writing and reading more for enjoyment, getting more sleep, reducing my stress level, and being happier overall. I think that those are reasonable enough to achieve by 2017.

I guess another resolution of mine is to say yes and explore more. A lot of the time, you can find me cornering myself in my room scrolling through tumblr in the dark, but in 2016, I want to get out and adventure.

The world is a pretty big place, but I won't see it if I'm not saying yes to things. If I'm invited to go somewhere, even if it's just a friends house, I want to say yes as much as I can.

I hope that 2016 brings me happiness and adventure, and that I get to see and experience a bit more of the world. I hope that saying yes to more things will help me achieve this by the next time it is time to start over again.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

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