
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Letter for Another Emma

Okay, here's the thing: this post is most likely not directed at you.

Unless you just happen to be Emma Watson. If you aren't Emma, welcome to my blog, feel free to have a read. If you are Emma, welcome to my blog, this post if written for you.

Dear Emma Watson,

I admire you for many reasons besides the fact that we have the same name. I just thought I should get that out of the way first.

I have known of your existence since I was little and watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the very first time. I was genuinely terrified of the movie because I watched it when I was five years old, creepy things scared me, and there was much of that in the film, but I enjoyed watching Hermione flaunt across the screen. The young eleven year old may have seemed uptight and annoying to most, but I remember seeing her and loving how determined she was to reach her goals. I also appreciated her/your hair. Your performance in The Perks of Being a Wallflower has not gone unnoticed either. That movie is one of my favorites by far.

Though both of my parents were actors at some point in their lives and you are one of my favorite actresses, you aren't my ideal reader because of your acting career. You have done more than act to earn my respect for you, Emma. Not only was Hermione as a character very dedicated and studious, but you as a real-life human being made a decision that not many people in the child-acting industry decide to do. Once the Harry Potter movies were over, you decided to finish your schooling at Brown University. That will always be something that I admire about you. The fact that you decided to finish your education amidst your fame shows that you are truly someone to look up to.

I also listened to your speech at the United Nations in 2014 about the campaign you launched called HeforShe. Gender equality and women empowerment is something that I feel very strongly about. I believe that launching this campaign is something that was extremely important for the world to hear. As a feminist, I look up to you and everything you have done to shine light on the problems with gender equality. I admire that you've done so much for this campaign and all you did to help launch it. Speaking in front of the UN must have been nerve racking, but looking at the footage of the speech, you look just as badass as you normally do.

I think that you will always be someone I look up to in my life. You have already left such an important mark on my life and I'm sure you will continue to do so over the years.

Pictured: Emma Watson being too cool for me. (Courtesy of The Wrap)
If you actually did happen to read this post, which would be incredible, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for inspiring to try my best at such a young age, as well as introducing me into the magic of film (see what I did there). Thank you for launching such an important campaign for such an important issue. Thank you for speaking freely about your thoughts on feminism. Thank you for being cast as two important characters that played a huge part in my childhood.

And most importantly, thank you for reading.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What Occurs During Class Movies

Okay, here's the thing: students get excited over very few things.

Fortunately, watching a movie in class happens to be one of them.

On the last day of quarter two, my English class finished the movie Julie & Julia. Throughout the movie, Mr. Parker permitted us to work on our blogs, and I began to do so. However, about ten minutes in, I realized that the movie, and some kids in the class, were saying some pretty outrageous things.

So, of course, I began to write them down.

This may not be the correct blog format, but I thought this was pretty funny at the time. The words in quotation marks were said by my classmates, and the words that are not in quotations came directly from sentences in the movie.

  • "she's literally always drunk"
  • beef flavored jello mold
  • calves foot
  • flip it on to a plate
  • the bitch lied
  • you could LIEEEEEEEEEEE
  • yuck! the sink! look at this
  • i hate it here
  • "oooh damn"
  • gooey mess
  • i'm a mess
  • *lies on kitchen floor sobbing*
  • "Julia's so high"
  • "what a film"
  • milky
  • ask if the vinegar works on the milk solids
  • tanginess
  • thats who i married
  • "the tellings have told that the tables have tabled"
  • i am not enthusiastic about this marriage
  • "dont kick me courtney"
  • "I'm sorry I'm stress eating"
  • wheres my big spring
  • dear avis
  • dorothy is pregnant...oooh
  • about the mayonnaise? oh not at all
  • s-ahh-ltine
  • skeeeeewww the livahh
  • I've cut the dickens out of my finger
  • just for once could you not look on the bright side?
  • "he is totally an asshole"
  • say cheese ducky...she likes to get it on
  • thats exactly what we are – mad cows
  • *merryl streep laughing in a british accent*
  • wizz?
  • "aw there goes the raspberry creme... all over the sidewalk"
  • "all the men in this movie are assholes"
  • a republican would fire you
  • im not a shmuck
  • the middle aged woman in the plaid jacket
  • eggs eggs seven seven volumes
  • *montage of all of them taking pills and groaning*
  • "you bet ur furry neck i do??!?!?"
  • 65. 65? 65. "65?!" "65."
  • *making out* I have to make a pear tart
  • "both of you don't have feelings i just don't understand why you're holding hands"
  • Elise: *breathes heavily* Aiden: *from across the room* "could you stop that, elise?"
  • "crass grasss apple sass"
  • *sitting on living room floor with dead duck in front of her and knife in hand* nothing is impossible
In a scene in the end of the movie, Julie strikes a touristy pose by Julia Child's photo. (Courtesy of Ace Showbiz)
I hoped you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed writing this down and amusing myself throughout class. You never know what you might hear if you just sit back and open up your ears to the noise around you. 

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'm Suffering (LOL)

Okay, here's the thing: it's the last week of the semester. 

Let's be honest for a moment. What more do you expect from any student. Anywhere.

There are what seem to be an infinite amount of final tests occurring over the next five days, and there are plenty of people attempting to bring their grades up to an acceptable letter.

As I have explained before in my stress rant from this past October, my schedule puts me in quite a situation. With final testing sneaking up, my white days are looking worse and worse.

First period, for me, is spent at home on these days (let's give a round of applause for late entry). Second period is Math. My teacher decided to do a cumulative final, which incorporates everything we've learned this whole semester. Third period is Geography. Luckily this isn't a cumulative test, though Mr. Jeffrey thought about that as a possibility. Instead, it is just a combination of the chapters we read in quarter two. Finally, fourth period is English. Mr. Parker recently gave us a timed (torture) essay, but the quarter final is still yet to be completed.

My red days are a breeze, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. So, for only two days this coming week, I have nothing to worry about.

The end of the semester is a week away, and even though I'm not failing any of my classes at the moment, I'm on the brink of getting a letter grade lower in some classes. Therefore, I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders to do well in all of my finals this week so that I have a chance at keeping my GPA up.

This probably seems unnecessary to people with their life in check, but for me, this whole "end of the quarter" thing is screwing with me a bit.

I'm hoping I won't look like this this week.
(Courtesy of Med Scoop Daily)
I totally twisted my sleep schedule around over holiday break, so that was very difficult this week getting back in order. Unfortunately, I did the same thing again this weekend (this was a poor decision for me and everyone involved). I'm just hoping that I won't end up falling asleep studying or totally blanking out during one of my finals this week.

I'm suffering a bit right now, if I'm being quite honest. All of my hardest classes have finals and I have pressure to do well. I'm also kind of sleep deprived half of the time at school because my brain doesn't really wake up until like 1:00 p.m.

So, let's hear it for those of us who feel like zombies throughout this next week but are also struggling with crippling anxiety and stress! We can do this! Five more days until we get that four day weekend! Five more days until we have another opportunity to screw ourselves over again by going to sleep at four in the morning! Five more days until we don't go through with our New Years Resolution of getting more sleep... again!


Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Years Resolutions Are a Joke But Who Cares

Okay, here's the thing: I have mixed opinions on New Years.

For one, I believe that New Years is great because of the theoretical idea of a "fresh start." It gives everyone a false sense of hope that, on this certain date, they will be able to begin anew.

Then, on the flip side, I know that New Years Day is just another day that we will continue to cross throughout our lives. People use it as an excuse to brush off that they still haven't met their resolutions that they created a year ago, only to make the same resolutions "for real" this time around.

I understand this is a creative idea, but in reality, nearly everyone doesn't accomplish the resolutions they set at the beginning of the year, yet everyone makes them anyway.

The resolutions that I've come up with in my head have had many different sources of inspiration. I've seen a couple of my friends set them as their resolutions, as well as accomplish them effectively. I also know that I've set some of these resolutions in the past and not completed them.

It seems cliché, but I think that I am really going to achieve them in this new year.

A couple of my main resolutions that I've set this year are to procrastinate less, spend less time on social media, and take more time to relax. So far, on the third day of the new year, I've nearly given up on these already. I've been more stressed because of the start of school after the break, as well as the homework that I've set back up until today. I've also procrastinated doing any of that homework by distracting myself on social media.

I guess those were a little more difficult than other resolutions, but I'm only three days in to 2016, so I still have a while to get myself back on track.

This is a polaroid showing my friends and I on New Years Eve.
My other basic resolutions include getting out of my comfort zone more often, writing and reading more for enjoyment, getting more sleep, reducing my stress level, and being happier overall. I think that those are reasonable enough to achieve by 2017.

I guess another resolution of mine is to say yes and explore more. A lot of the time, you can find me cornering myself in my room scrolling through tumblr in the dark, but in 2016, I want to get out and adventure.

The world is a pretty big place, but I won't see it if I'm not saying yes to things. If I'm invited to go somewhere, even if it's just a friends house, I want to say yes as much as I can.

I hope that 2016 brings me happiness and adventure, and that I get to see and experience a bit more of the world. I hope that saying yes to more things will help me achieve this by the next time it is time to start over again.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em