
Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Prologue to an Average Teenager's Blog

Okay, here's the thing: creating this blog was not my idea.

This blog was birthed into the internet world courtesy of Mr. Parker, my ninth grade Honors English teacher. I've known about this blog for a very long time, and, to be honest, I've had mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I enjoy writing and telling stories. This blog will be an amazing way to get my thoughts across rather than attempting to tell it in a brief way to my friends over a text message. It will also give me a chance to share the events of my life in more depth than an Instagram photo.

However, on the other hand, a lot people won't care about the events that happen in my life. I understand this issue, and I'm sure every other blogger understands this as well.

What I want to say is that your opinion is fine. If leaving my blog makes your life better, then, by all means, leave my blog. I hope this blog to become something that makes people react. Whether that reaction is a nod of a head in agreement, a laugh, or even a small smile, I appreciate it.

Now, with that being said, I'm sure most of you are slightly confused by the name of this blog.

The "salty" part of "the salty stressball" does not literally mean that the "stressball" in the situation is flavored in a way similar to a potato chip. The "saltiness" is used as a slang term. According to Urban Dictionary, "salty" means to be agitated or upset.

The "stressball" is referring to me. The majority of my life has been spent in a state of stress. What this stress is about varies daily, but nevertheless, it builds up. All the stress I have had over the years has made me the person I am today. A ball of stress (stressball) that is cleverly disguised as a teenage girl.

So, when you put "salty" and "stressball" together, and relate it to me, you get a "salty stressball", hence the title of my blog. This doesn't exactly mean that I am always agitated or upset, or that I am in a constant state of stress (although sometimes it feels that way). It means that, occasionally, I am both agitated and stressed at the same time. Making me a salty stressball.

I plan to write about the events that occur throughout my painfully typical life. These events could range from mishaps during vacations travels to hilarious moments that happen when I am hanging out with my friends.

If I'm being completely honest, this exact blog has caused me quite a bit of stress already. Very fitting, I know. I guess stress just decides to find me even in the simplest of times. Well, that's not entirely true. I take most of the blame for the stress I endure. Procrastinating is an important part of my life. I have to take time out of my homework time to do the exact opposite thing that needs to be finished.

Sarcasm is also an evident part of my life. Brace yourself for that. All I want to say is you really shouldn't take what I say in a serious way. Just accept that I have a weird sense of humor and go with it.

With that being said, I should probably go do some of my other homework that needs to be done, but, knowing me, that will be put off for at least another half hour.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em

Courtesy of Hannah

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