
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Music Is Key: Live Edition

Okay, here's the thing: I care just as deeply about live music as I do about regular music.

About three weeks ago, I went to Laguna Beach, California for Thanksgiving weekend, and, whilst in Laguna, I went to see a singer named BØRNS in concert.

At the time I was given the opportunity, I wasn't a huge fan of BØRNS, but once his album came out a few days later, I was hooked. It all seemed so unreal.

When we got to the venue it still hadn't completely set in.

Before we were let into the venue, the four of us who drove down together, Cash, Kalani, Annalise, and I, were standing in line for an hour and a half. Unfortunately, we were so excited about the concert that we didn't think about sitting down at all that whole time. 

Even once we were let into the venue, it hadn't truly hit me.

After another thirty minutes of standing around and humming to the music playing as hundreds of people filtered through the doors, the lights went low, and the opening band came out.

Even though I couldn't understand what they was singing about (due to the mumbling noises that seemed to come out of their mouths), I was very entertained. One guitarist did this weird thing with his hair where he would whip it up and down as he would play the guitar. We ended up calling him "The Guy on the Right" by the end of their set.

As you can see, The Guy on the Right is flipping his hair to the beat of the music.

After their quick, half hour set was finished, we were standing around for another thirty minutes before BØRNS and his band came out from back stage.

It went by so fast, I wasn't even sure it had actually happened, but I knew one thing for sure: that was incredible. Even though I probably touched and got closer to more bodies than I ever planned to throughout my lifetime, it was worth it.

The music was phenomenal and the vibes were very good. Everyone in the venue was singing at the top of their lungs along with BØRNS. Even when he came out for his encore and sang Bennie and the Jets by Elton John, which obviously isn't one of his songs, the entire crowd sang along as he serenaded a girl from the crowd. He was an outstanding live singer and performer, which is always a plus.

This picture, taken by Cash, shows how close we were to the stage by the end of the concert.

Even the moments that didn't have to do with the music were memorable. Like when a group of guys, who were most likely either drunk or high, began to crowd surf and one of them kicked Annalise in the head. Or when Cash tried to take a picture of a really hot guy, but the flash on her phone went off when she was about a foot away from his face. Also when a girl in line ahead of us called her friend and asked if she "had the glitter," which we all thought was some code word for drugs, but turned out to be literal glitter that they putt all over their face to sparkle in the light. 

It was a great night, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Anyway, carry on.
xx Em